Living in the past?

Are you living in the past, present or future?


Past performance is not indicative of future results…

This standard disclaimer applies to many investment vehicles. It typically does not apply to human behavior. We are creatures of habit and tend to do the same thing – even when it becomes painfully obvious that it is not working.

The past often provides clues about our present.  If we seek change, it is fruitful to spend a few moments sifting through the past. What were our financial circumstances growing up? Were we raised with an abundance or scarcity mindset? How was money talked about (if at all)? What are our beliefs about money? As children we adopt the belief system of our parental units or caregivers. These beliefs become part of our operating system when we grow up. Unless we look at our beliefs, we hold on to some ideas that are not consistent with our current reality. Those beliefs limit our future reality.  When we continue to believe that money does not grow on trees, we miss out on the opportunity to become an orchard owners or to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

There is a deep-seated fear in our culture about having limited financial resources. That fear paralyzes us and keeps us on the sidelines when we could take action.

A few years ago, I talked with someone who had $1,000,000 in idle cash. They were terrified of losing money. They had enough assets to cover their living expenses until age 100 and beyond. It was not about the money. It was this deep-seated fear about something that was not true at the present moment in time. We often blame money. Money is only a tool. Consider fear as a road sign alerting you to slow down and look at your beliefs.  Ask yourself – is this happening now or am I reacting to something from my past?

We cling to the old and familiar long after it quits serving us.  The road feels bumpy as you blaze new trails and create new habits. It often helps to have support as you travel along this brave new path.

Are you stuck in the past? Schedule your complimentary initial consult today!