by Dedra Murchison | Oct 2, 2013 | Budget, Financial Planning, Money Story, Present, Spending Plan, Tips
It has been a long day at work. You are busy. You have things to do, places to go and people to see. You open the mail and read your 401(k) statement. You look at the charts and graphs and numbers and wonder what it all means. Are you saving enough? When can you...
by Dedra Murchison | Oct 1, 2013 | Budget, Financial Planning, Spending Plan, Tips
In case you are wondering if I am about to go PG-13 with this post, let me reassure you that the word in question is BUDGET. If that word makes your eyes twitch and you feel like you should stop reading this post and start dusting the coils on your refrigerator,...
by Dedra Murchison | Aug 14, 2012 | Change, Choice, Future, Present, Tips
Ever been on an airplane? My favorite part is when the plane takes off – those rocky moments as the plane begins its ascent. My second favorite part is the safety spiel. The reminder that there are “exits here, here and here…” There is also the part about what...